
Abstract interface


Abstract supertype for all clustering types, with partition of type P.


A clustering method defines a function which maps reach-sets to one or several reach-sets. The mapping can possibly be over-approximative, i.e. such that the set union of the input reach-sets is included in the set union of the output reach-sets.

By taking the convex hull of the input reach-sets one can reduce the number of outputs sets to a single one, overapproximately. This is the method that corresponds to the LazyClustering type. However, in some cases it is convenient to do other types of transformations, such as:

  • Return several reach-sets that are obtained by grouping the input in a way defined by a partition. For example, a vector of ten input sets can be clustered in two groups of five sets each, or five groups of two sets each, etc.
  • Use different set representations such as boxes or zonotopes.
  • Further post-process the output of the convexification by splitting into smaller sets, eg. box splitting.

Each concrete subtype of AbstractClusteringMethod has a parameter P that defines what type of clustering strategy is applied. The method should be accessed with the partition getter function.

The following strategies are implemented at the interface level:

  • If P is of type Missing: no partition is applied
  • If P is of type integer: the partition corresponds to grouping the into the given integer number of sets (or as close as possible)
  • If P is of type vector of vectors: the given partition is applied


LazyClustering([1:2, 3:10]) groups the first two reach-sets in one cluster and the third to tenth reach-sets in another cluster.


No clustering

The following methods are available.

Lazy convexification

Box clustering

BoxClustering{PI, PO} <: AbstractClusteringMethod{P}


This method first takes a lazy convex hull for the given partition, then computes a tight hyperrectangular approximation for each element in the partition.


Zonotope clustering

ZonotopeClustering{P} <: AbstractClusteringMethod{P}


This method first takes a lazy convex hull for the given partition, then computes a zonotope overapproximation of the convex hull.


Lazy union