Inverted Two-Link Pendulum

The Inverted Two-Link Pendulum benchmark is a classical inverted pendulum with two links. We consider two different scenarios, which we respectively refer to as the less robust and the more robust scenario.

using ClosedLoopReachability
import OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots, DisplayAs
using ReachabilityBase.CurrentPath: @current_path
using ReachabilityBase.Timing: print_timed
using ClosedLoopReachability: Specification
using Plots: plot, plot!, xlims!, ylims!

The following option determines whether the falsification settings should be used. The falsification settings are sufficient to show that the safety property is violated. Concretely, we start from an initial point and use a smaller time horizon.

const falsification = true;


The double-link inverted pendulum consists of equal point masses $m$ at the end of connected mass-less links of length $L$. Both links are actuated with torques $T_1$ and $T_2$. We assume viscous friction with coefficient $c$.

The governing equations of motion can be obtained as:

\[\begin{aligned} 2 \ddot θ_1 + \ddot θ_2 cos(θ_2 - θ_1) - \ddot θ_2^2 sin(θ_2 - θ_1) - 2 \dfrac{g}{L} sin(θ_1) + \dfrac{c}{m L^2} \dot{θ}_1 &= \dfrac{1}{m L^2} T_1 \\ \ddot θ_1 cos(θ_2 - θ_1) + \ddot θ_2 + \ddot θ_1^2 sin(θ_2 - θ_1) - \dfrac{g}{L} sin(θ_2) + \dfrac{c}{m L^2} \dot{θ}_2 &= \dfrac{1}{m L^2} T_2 \end{aligned}\]

where $θ_1$ and $θ_2$ are the angles that the links make with the upward vertical axis, $\dot{θ}_1$ and $\dot{θ}_2$ are the angular velocities, and $g$ is the gravitational acceleration. The state vector is $(θ_1, θ_2, \dot{θ}_1, \dot{θ}_2)$. See the picture below for a visualization.

The dynamics are given as first-order differential equations below.

vars_idx = Dict(:states => 1:4, :controls => 5:6)

const m = 0.5
const L = 0.5
const c = 0.0
const g = 1.0
const gL = g / L
const mL = 1 / (m * L^2)

@taylorize function InvertedTwoLinkPendulum!(dx, x, p, t)
    θ₁, θ₂, θ₁′, θ₂′, T₁, T₂ = x

    Δ12 = θ₁ - θ₂
    cos12 = cos(Δ12)
    x3sin12 = θ₁′^2 * sin(Δ12)
    x4sin12 = θ₂′^2 * sin(Δ12) / 2
    gLsin1 = gL * sin(θ₁)
    gLsin2 = gL * sin(θ₂)
    T1_frac = (T₁ - c * θ₁′) * (0.5 * mL)
    T2_frac = (T₂ - c * θ₂′) * mL
    bignum = x3sin12 - cos12 * (gLsin1 - x4sin12 + T1_frac) + gLsin2 + T2_frac
    denom = cos12^2 / 2 - 1

    dx[1] = θ₁′
    dx[2] = θ₂′
    dx[3] = cos12 * bignum / (2 * denom) - x4sin12 + gLsin1 + T1_frac
    dx[4] = -bignum / denom
    dx[5] = zero(T₁)
    dx[6] = zero(T₂)
    return dx

We are given two neural-network controllers with 2 hidden layers of 25 neurons each and ReLU activations. Both controllers have 4 inputs (the state variables) and 2 output ($T₁$ and $T₂$).

path = @current_path("InvertedTwoLinkPendulum",
controller_lr = read_POLAR(path)

path = @current_path("InvertedTwoLinkPendulum",
controller_mr = read_POLAR(path);

The controllers have different control periods: 0.05 (less robust) resp. 0.02 (more robust) time units.

period_lr = 0.05
period_mr = 0.02;


The uncertain initial condition is $(θ_1, θ_2, \dot{θ}_1, \dot{θ}_2) ∈ [1, 1.3]^4$.

The safety specification is that, for all times $t$ for 20 control periods, we have $(θ_1, θ_2, \dot{θ}_1, \dot{θ}_2) ∈ [-1, 1.7]^4$ (less robust scenario) respectively $(θ_1, θ_2, \dot{θ}_1, \dot{θ}_2) ∈ [-0.5, 1.5]^4$ (more robust scenario). A sufficient condition for guaranteed violation is to overapproximate the result with hyperrectangles.

The following script creates a different problem instance for the less robust and the more robust scenario, respectively.

function InvertedTwoLinkPendulum_spec(less_robust_scenario::Bool)
    controller = less_robust_scenario ? controller_lr : controller_mr

    X₀ = BallInf(fill(1.15, 4), 0.15)
    if falsification
        # Choose a single point in the initial states (here: the top-most one):
        if less_robust_scenario
            X₀ = Singleton(high(X₀))
            X₀ = Singleton(low(X₀))
    U₀ = ZeroSet(2)

    period = less_robust_scenario ? period_lr : period_mr

    # The control problem is:
    ivp = @ivp(x' = InvertedTwoLinkPendulum!(x), dim: 6, x(0) ∈ X₀ × U₀)
    prob = ControlledPlant(ivp, controller, vars_idx, period)

    # Safety specification:
    if less_robust_scenario
        box = BallInf(fill(0.35, 4), 1.35)
        box = BallInf(fill(0.5, 4), 1.0)
    safe_states = cartesian_product(box, Universe(2))

    predicate_set(R) = isdisjoint(overapproximate(R, Hyperrectangle), safe_states)

    function predicate(sol; silent::Bool=false)
        for F in sol, R in F
            if predicate_set(R)
                silent || println("  Violation for time range $(tspan(R)).")
                return true
        return false

    if falsification
        # Falsification can run for a shorter time horizon:
        if less_robust_scenario
            k = 5
            k = 7
        k = 20
    T = k * period  # time horizon

    spec = Specification(T, predicate, safe_states)

    return prob, spec


To enclose the continuous dynamics, we use a Taylor-model-based algorithm:

algorithm_plant = TMJets(abstol=1e-2, orderT=3, orderQ=1);

To propagate sets through the neural network, we use the DeepZ algorithm:

algorithm_controller = DeepZ();

The falsification benchmark is given below:

function benchmark(prob, spec; T, silent::Bool=false)
    # Solve the controlled system:
    silent || println("Flowpipe construction:")
    res = @timed solve(prob; T=T, algorithm_controller=algorithm_controller,
    sol = res.value
    silent || print_timed(res)

    # Check the property:
    silent || println("Property checking:")
    res = @timed spec.predicate(sol; silent=silent)
    silent || print_timed(res)
    if res.value
        silent || println("  The property is violated.")
        result = "falsified"
        silent || println("  The property may be satisfied.")
        result = "not falsified"

    return sol, result

function run(; less_robust_scenario::Bool)
    if less_robust_scenario
        println("# Running analysis with less robust scenario")
        T_warmup = 2 * period_lr  # shorter time horizon for warm-up run
        println("# Running analysis with more robust scenario")
        T_warmup = 2 * period_mr  # shorter time horizon for warm-up run
    prob, spec = InvertedTwoLinkPendulum_spec(less_robust_scenario)

    # Run the falsification benchmark:
    benchmark(prob, spec; T=T_warmup, silent=true)  # warm-up
    res = @timed benchmark(prob, spec; T=spec.T)  # benchmark
    sol, result = res.value
    @assert (result == "falsified") "falsification failed"
    println("Total analysis time:")

    # Compute some simulations:
    trajectories = falsification ? 1 : 10
    res = @timed simulate(prob; T=spec.T, trajectories=trajectories,
    sim = res.value

    return sol, sim, prob, spec

Run the analysis script for the less robust scenario:

sol_lr, sim_lr, prob_lr, spec_lr = run(less_robust_scenario=true);
# Running analysis with less robust scenario
Flowpipe construction:
  0.305265 seconds (3.32 M allocations: 244.589 MiB, 9.17% gc time)
Property checking:
  Violation for time range [0.186974, 0.200001].
  0.002501 seconds (19.23 k allocations: 1.582 MiB)
  The property is violated.
Total analysis time:
  0.311388 seconds (3.34 M allocations: 247.039 MiB, 8.99% gc time)
  0.456783 seconds (510.07 k allocations: 36.583 MiB)

Run the analysis script for the more robust scenario:

sol_mr, sim_mr, prob_mr, spec_mr = run(less_robust_scenario=false);
# Running analysis with more robust scenario
Flowpipe construction:
  0.213831 seconds (2.26 M allocations: 169.416 MiB, 11.01% gc time)
Property checking:
  Violation for time range [0.0999999, 0.120001].
  0.001890 seconds (14.44 k allocations: 1.238 MiB)
  The property is violated.
Total analysis time:
  0.215942 seconds (2.27 M allocations: 171.442 MiB, 10.90% gc time)
  0.000452 seconds (1.52 k allocations: 118.797 KiB)


Script to plot the results:

function plot_helper(vars, sol, sim, prob, spec)
    safe_states = spec.ext
    fig = plot()
    plot!(fig, project(safe_states, vars); color=:lightgreen, lab="safe")
    plot!(fig, sol; vars=vars, color=:yellow, lw=0, alpha=1, lab="")
    plot!(fig, project(initial_state(prob), vars); c=:cornflowerblue, alpha=1, lab="X₀")
    lab_sim = falsification ? "simulation" : ""
    plot_simulation!(fig, sim; vars=vars, color=:black, lab=lab_sim)
    if falsification
        plot!(fig; leg=:topleft)
    return fig

Plot the results:

vars=(3, 4)
fig = plot_helper(vars, sol_lr, sim_lr, prob_lr, spec_lr)
plot!(fig; xlab="θ₁'", ylab="θ₂'")
# Command to save the plot to a file:
# Plots.savefig(fig, "InvertedTwoLinkPendulum-less-robust.png")
fig = DisplayAs.Text(DisplayAs.PNG(fig))
Example block output
vars=(3, 4)
fig = plot_helper(vars, sol_mr, sim_mr, prob_mr, spec_mr)
plot!(fig; xlab="θ₁'", ylab="θ₂'")
# Command to save the plot to a file:
# Plots.savefig(fig, "InvertedTwoLinkPendulum-more-robust.png")
fig = DisplayAs.Text(DisplayAs.PNG(fig))
Example block output