Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

The Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) benchmark models a car that drives at a set velocity and maintains a safe distance from a lead car by adjusting the longitudinal acceleration [TCMMJK].

using ClosedLoopReachability
import OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots, DisplayAs
using ReachabilityBase.CurrentPath: @current_path
using ReachabilityBase.Timing: print_timed
using ClosedLoopReachability: FunctionPreprocessing
using Plots: plot, plot!


The cars' dynamics are modeled as follows:

\[\begin{aligned} \dot{x}_{lead} &= v_{lead} \\ \dot{v}_{lead} &= γ_{lead} \\ \dot{γ}_{lead} &= -2 γ_{lead} + 2 a_{lead} - u v_{lead}^2 \\ \dot{x}_{ego} &= v_{ego} \\ \dot{v}_{ego} &= γ_{ego} \\ \dot{γ}_{ego} &= -2 γ_{ego} + 2 a_{ego} - u v_{ego}^2 \end{aligned}\]

where $u = 0.0001$ is the friction parameter, and for each car $i ∈ \{ego, lead\}$ we have that $x_i$ is the position, $v_i$ is the velocity, $γ_i$ is the acceleration, and $a_i$ is the control input for the acceleration.

vars_idx = Dict(:states => 1:6, :controls => 7)

const u = 0.0001
const a_lead = -2.0

@taylorize function ACC!(dx, x, p, t)
    v_lead = x[2]  # lead car velocity
    γ_lead = x[3]  # lead car acceleration
    v_ego = x[5]  # ego car velocity
    γ_ego = x[6]  # ego car acceleration
    a_ego = x[7]  # ego car acceleration control input

    # Lead-car dynamics:
    dx[1] = v_lead
    dx[2] = γ_lead
    dx[3] = 2 * (a_lead - γ_lead) - u * v_lead^2

    # Ego-car dynamics:
    dx[4] = v_ego
    dx[5] = γ_ego
    dx[6] = 2 * (a_ego - γ_ego) - u * v_ego^2

    dx[7] = zero(a_ego)
    return dx

We are given two neural-network controllers with 5 hidden layers of 20 neurons each. One controller uses ReLU activations and the other controller uses tanh activations. Both controllers have 5 inputs $(v_{set}, T_{gap}, v_{ego}, D_{rel}, v_{rel})$ and one output ($a_{ego}$), where $v_{set} = 30$ is the ego car's set velocity, $T_{gap} = 1.4$, $D_{rel} = x_{lead} - x_{ego}$ is the distance between the cars, and $v_{rel} = v_{lead} - v_{ego}$ is the distance between the velocities.

path = @current_path("ACC", "ACC_controller_relu.polar")
controller_relu = read_POLAR(path)

path = @current_path("ACC", "ACC_controller_tanh.polar")
controller_tanh = read_POLAR(path);

The controller input is $(v_{set}, T_{gap}, v_{ego}, D_{rel}, v_{rel})$, for which we define a transformation matrix $M$.

v_set = 30.0
T_gap = 1.4
M = zeros(3, 6)
M[1, 5] = 1.0
M[2, 1] = 1.0
M[2, 4] = -1.0
M[3, 2] = 1.0
M[3, 5] = -1.0
function preprocess(X::LazySet)  # version for set computations
    Y1 = Singleton([v_set, T_gap])
    Y2 = linear_map(M, X)
    return cartesian_product(Y1, Y2)
function preprocess(X::AbstractVector)  # version for simulations
    Y1 = [v_set, T_gap]
    Y2 = M * X
    return vcat(Y1, Y2)
control_preprocessing = FunctionPreprocessing(preprocess);

The control period is 0.1 time units.

period = 0.1;


The uncertain initial condition is:

\[\begin{aligned} x_{lead} &∈ [90, 110],& v_{lead} &∈ [32, 32.2],& γ_{lead} &= 0, \\ x_{ego} &∈ [10, 11],& v_{ego} &∈ [30, 30.2],& γ_{ego} &= 0 \end{aligned}\]

X₀ = Hyperrectangle(low=[90, 32, 0, 10, 30, 0],
                    high=[110, 32.2, 0, 11, 30.2, 0])
U₀ = ZeroSet(1);

The control problem (parametric in the controller) is:

ivp = @ivp(x' = ACC!(x), dim: 7, x(0) ∈ X₀ × U₀)
problem(controller) = ControlledPlant(ivp, controller, vars_idx, period;

We consider a scenario where both cars are driving safely and the lead car suddenly slows down with $a_{lead} = -2$. We want to verify that there is no collision in the following 5 time units, i.e., the ego car must maintain a safe distance $D_{safe}$ from the lead car. Formally, the safety specification is $D_{rel} ≥ D_{safe}$, where $D_{safe} = D_{default} + T_{gap} · v_{ego}$ and $D_{default} = 10$. After substitution, the specification reduces to $x_{lead} - x_{ego} - T_{gap} · v_{ego} ≥ D_{default}$. A sufficient condition for guaranteed verification is to overapproximate the result with hyperrectangles.

D_default = 10.0
d_rel = [1.0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0]
d_safe = [0, 0, 0, 0, T_gap, 0, 0]
d_prop = d_rel - d_safe
safe_states = HalfSpace(-d_prop, -D_default)

predicate(sol) = overapproximate(sol, Hyperrectangle) ⊆ safe_states

T = 5.0
T_warmup = 2 * period;  # shorter time horizon for warm-up run


To enclose the continuous dynamics, we use a Taylor-model-based algorithm:

algorithm_plant = TMJets(abstol=1e-3, orderT=5, orderQ=1);

To propagate sets through the neural network, we use the DeepZ algorithm:

algorithm_controller = DeepZ();

The verification benchmark is given below:

function benchmark(prob; T=T, silent::Bool=false)
    # Solve the controlled system:
    silent || println("Flowpipe construction:")
    res = @timed solve(prob; T=T, algorithm_controller=algorithm_controller,
    sol = res.value
    silent || print_timed(res)

    # Check the property:
    silent || println("Property checking:")
    res = @timed predicate(sol)
    silent || print_timed(res)
    if res.value
        silent || println("  The property is satisfied.")
        result = "verified"
        silent || println("  The property may be violated.")
        result = "not verified"

    return sol, result

For each controller we execute the same analysis script, which runs the verification benchmark and computes simulations:

function run(; use_relu_controller::Bool)
    if use_relu_controller
        println("# Running analysis with ReLU controller")
        prob = problem(controller_relu)
        println("# Running analysis with tanh controller")
        prob = problem(controller_tanh)

    # Run the verification benchmark:
    benchmark(prob; T=T_warmup, silent=true)  # warm-up
    res = @timed benchmark(prob; T=T)  # benchmark
    sol, result = res.value
    @assert (result == "verified") "verification failed"
    println("Total analysis time:")

    # Compute some simulations:
    res = @timed simulate(prob; T=T, trajectories=10, include_vertices=true)
    sim = res.value

    return sol, sim

Run the analysis script for the ReLU controller:

sol_relu, sim_relu = run(use_relu_controller=true);
# Running analysis with ReLU controller
Flowpipe construction:
  0.332910 seconds (2.68 M allocations: 245.334 MiB, 11.37% gc time)
Property checking:
  0.007166 seconds (95.07 k allocations: 8.062 MiB)
  The property is satisfied.
Total analysis time:
  0.402767 seconds (2.80 M allocations: 256.026 MiB, 9.40% gc time)
  3.211165 seconds (3.41 M allocations: 242.913 MiB, 2.18% gc time)

Run the analysis script for the tanh controller:

sol_tanh, sim_tanh = run(use_relu_controller=false);
# Running analysis with tanh controller
Flowpipe construction:
  0.334444 seconds (2.68 M allocations: 247.896 MiB, 10.58% gc time)
Property checking:
  0.049983 seconds (95.07 k allocations: 8.062 MiB, 85.54% gc time)
  The property is satisfied.
Total analysis time:
  0.384799 seconds (2.78 M allocations: 256.749 MiB, 20.31% gc time)
  0.046361 seconds (198.63 k allocations: 19.901 MiB)


Script to plot the results:

function plot_helper(sol, sim)
    fig = plot(leg=(0.4, 0.3))
    for F in sol, R in F
        # Subdivide the reach sets in time to obtain more precise plots:
        R = overapproximate(R, Zonotope; ntdiv=5)
        R_rel = linear_map(Matrix(d_rel'), R)
        plot!(fig, R_rel; vars=(0, 1), c=:red, lw=0, alpha=0.4)

    solz = overapproximate(flowpipe(sol), Zonotope)
    fp_safe = affine_map(Matrix(d_safe'), solz, [D_default])
    plot!(fig, fp_safe; vars=(0, 1), c=:blue, lw=0, alpha=0.4)

    output_map_rel = x -> dot(d_rel, x)
    plot_simulation!(fig, sim; output_map=output_map_rel, color=:red, lab="Drel")

    output_map_safe = x -> dot(d_safe, x) + D_default
    plot_simulation!(fig, sim; output_map=output_map_safe, color=:blue, lab="Dsafe")

    plot!(fig; xlab="time")
    return fig

Plot the results:

fig = plot_helper(sol_relu, sim_relu)
# Plots.savefig(fig, "ACC-ReLU.png")  # command to save the plot to a file
fig = DisplayAs.Text(DisplayAs.PNG(fig))
Example block output
fig = plot_helper(sol_tanh, sim_tanh)
fig = DisplayAs.Text(DisplayAs.PNG(fig))
# savefig(fig, "ACC-tanh.png")  # command to save the plot to a file
Example block output


  • TCMMJKHoang-Dung Tran, Feiyang Cai, Diego Manzanas Lopez, Patrick Musau, Taylor T. Johnson, and Xenofon D. Koutsoukos (2019). Safety verification of cyber-physical systems with reinforcement learning control. In ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.