A Reachability Algorithm

A Reachability Algorithm Using Zonotopes


In this section we present an algorithm implemented using LazySets that computes the reach sets of an affine ordinary differential equation (ODE). This algorithm is from A. Girard's "Reachability of uncertain linear systems using zonotopes, HSCC. Vol. 5. 2005. We have chosen this algorithm for the purpose of illustration of a complete application of LazySets.

Let us introduce some notation. Consider the continuous initial set-valued problem (IVP)

\[ x'(t) = A x(t) + u(t)\]

in the time interval $t ∈ [0, T]$, where:

Given a step size $δ$, Algorithm1 returns a sequence of sets that overapproximates the states reachable by any trajectory of this IVP.


using Plots, LazySets, Compat.LinearAlgebra, Compat.SparseArrays
import LazySets.expmat

function Algorithm1(A, X0, δ, μ, T)
    # bloating factors
    Anorm = norm(A, Inf)
    α = (expmat(δ * Anorm) - 1 - δ * Anorm) / norm(X0, Inf)
    β = (expmat(δ * Anorm) - 1) * μ / Anorm

    # discretized system
    n = size(A, 1)
    ϕ = expmat(δ * A)
    N = floor(Int, T / δ)

    # preallocate arrays
    Q = Vector{LazySet}(undef, N)
    R = Vector{LazySet}(undef, N)

    # initial reach set in the time interval [0, δ]
    ϕp = (I+ϕ) / 2
    ϕm = (I-ϕ) / 2
    c = X0.center
    Q1_generators = hcat(ϕp * X0.generators, ϕm * c, ϕm * X0.generators)
    Q[1] = Zonotope(ϕp * c, Q1_generators) ⊕ BallInf(zeros(n), α + β)
    R[1] = Q[1]

    # set recurrence for [δ, 2δ], ..., [(N-1)δ, Nδ]
    ballβ = BallInf(zeros(n), β)
    for i in 2:N
        Q[i] = ϕ * Q[i-1] ⊕ ballβ
        R[i] = Q[i]
    return R


function project(R, vars, n)
    # projection matrix
    M = sparse(1:2, vars, [1., 1.], 2, n)
    return [M * Ri for Ri in R]

Example 1

A = [-1 -4; 4 -1]
X0 = Zonotope([1.0, 0.0], Matrix(0.1*I, 2, 2))
μ = 0.05
δ = 0.02
T = 2.

R = Algorithm1(A, X0, δ, μ, 2 * δ); # warm-up

R = Algorithm1(A, X0, δ, μ, T)

plot(R, 1e-2, fillalpha=0.1)
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75

Example 2

A = Matrix{Float64}([-1 -4 0 0 0;
                      4 -1 0 0 0;
                      0 0 -3 1 0;
                      0 0 -1 -3 0;
                      0 0 0 0 -2])
X0 = Zonotope([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], Matrix(0.1*I, 5, 5))
μ = 0.01
δ = 0.005
T = 1.

R = Algorithm1(A, X0, δ, μ, 2 * δ); # warm-up

R = Algorithm1(A, X0, δ, μ, T)
Rproj = project(R, [1, 3], 5)

plot(Rproj, 1e-2, fillalpha=0.1, xlabel="x1", ylabel="x3")
-0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 x1 x3