Getting Started

Getting Started

In this section we review the recommended setup to start working with this package.


This package requires Julia v0.6 or later. Refer to the official documentation on how to install it for your system. Below we explain the steps for setting up LazySets on your system and checking that it builds correctly.


To install LazySets, use the following command inside Julia's REPL:


or replace add by clone if you want to develop the code. The full list of dependencies (which are automatically installed) is specified in the REQUIRE file.

Building the package

Use the following command from Julia's REPL:

julia> using LazySets

This should precompile the package and make it available afterward.

Optional dependencies

Some optional dependencies, such as Expokit.jl (a package that provides lazy matrix exponentiation routines), are not installed by default. When loading the corresponding packages in addition, new functionality in LazySets is added automatically (a feature that is possible through the Requires package).

Workflow tips

There are different ways to use Julia: from the terminal, from the Julia REPL, from IJulia (i.e., Jupyter notebook), from Juno, etc. If you do not have a preferred choice, we recommend using LazySets through IJulia; one reason is that the visualization is conveniently embedded into the notebook, and it can be exported into different formats, among other benefits. On the other hand, for development purposes you probably want to use the REPL or the Juno environment.


After working with LazySets for some time, you may want to get the newest version. For this you can use the following command (e.g., from the REPL):


That will check out the latest version in the master branch, and precompile it the next time you enter a session and execute using LazySets.