
Discretize API


Transform a mathematical system to a normalized (or canonical) form.


  • system – system; it can be discrete or continuous


Either the same system if it already conforms to a canonical form, or a new system otherwise.


The normalization procedure consists of transforming a given system type into a "canonical" format that is used internally. More details are given below.


The implementation of normalize exploits MathematicalSystems's' types, which carry information about the problem as a type parameter.

Homogeneous ODEs of the form $x' = Ax, x ∈ \mathcal{X}$ are canonical if the associated problem is a ConstrainedLinearContinuousSystem and A is a matrix. This type does not handle non-deterministic inputs.

Note that a LinearContinuousSystem does not consider constraints on the state-space (such as an invariant); to specify state constraints, use a ConstrainedLinearContinuousSystem. If the passed system is a LinearContinuousSystem (i.e. no constraints) then the normalization fixes a universal set (Universe) as the constraint set.

The generalization to canonical systems with constraints and possibly time-varying non-deterministic inputs is considered next. These systems are of the form $x' = Ax + u, u ∈ \mathcal{U}, x ∈ \mathcal{X}$. The system type is ConstrainedLinearControlContinuousSystem, where A is a matrix, X is a set and U is an input, that is, any concrete subtype of AbstractInput.

If U is not given as an input, normalization accepts either a LazySet, or a vector of LazySets. In these cases, the sets are wrapped around an appropriate concrete input type.

If the system does not conform to a canonical form, the implementation tries to make the transformation; otherwise an error is thrown. In particular, ODEs of the form $x' = Ax + Bu$ are mapped into $x' = Ax + u, u ∈ B\mathcal{U}$, where now $u$ has the same dimensions as $x$.

The transformations described above are analogous in the discrete case, i.e. $x_{k+1} = A x_k$ and $x_{k+1} = Ax_{k} + u_k, u_k ∈ \mathcal{U}, x_k ∈ \mathcal{X}$ for the linear and affine cases respectively.


Transform an initial-value problem into a normalized (or canonical) form.


  • ivp – initial-value problem


Either the same initial-value problem if it already conforms to a canonical form, or a new one otherwise.


This function extends normalize for initial-value problems.

discretize(ivp::IVP, δ, alg::AbstractApproximationModel)

Set-based conservative discretization of a continuous-time initial value problem into a discrete-time problem.


  • ivp – initial value problem for a linear ODE in canonical form (see Notes below)
  • δ – step size
  • alg – algorithm used to compute the approximation model


The initial value problem of a discrete system.


Different approximation algorithms and their respective options are described in the docstring of each method. Here is a list of all the available approximation models:

julia> subtypes(ReachabilityAnalysis.DiscretizationModule.AbstractApproximationModel)
9-element Vector{Any}:

Initial-value problems considered in this function are of the form

\[x' = Ax(t) + u(t),\qquad x(0) ∈ \mathcal{X}_0,\qquad (1)\]

and where $u(t) ∈ U(k)$ add where $\{U(k)\}_k$ is a sequence of sets of non-deterministic inputs and $\mathcal{X}_0$ is the set of initial states. Other problems, e.g. $x' = Ax(t) + Bu(t)$ can be brought to the canonical form with the function normalize.

For references to the original papers introducing each algorithm, see the docstrings, e.g. ?Forward.


Approximation models

NoBloating{EM, SO, IT} <: AbstractApproximationModel

No bloating, or discrete-time, approximation model.


  • exp – exponentiation method
  • setops – set operations method
  • inv – (optional, default: false) if true, assume that the state matrix is invertible and use its inverse in the Φ functions


The transformations are:

  • $Φ ← \exp(Aδ)$
  • $Ω_0 ← \mathcal{X}_0$
  • $V(k) ← Φ₁(A, δ)U(k)$, $k ≥ 0$.

The function $Φ₁(A, δ)$ is defined in Φ₁. We allow $U$ to be a sequence of time varying non-deterministic input sets.

See also Bogomolov et al. [BFF+18], Eq. (14).

Forward{EM, SO, SI, IT, BT} <: AbstractApproximationModel

Forward approximation model.


  • exp – exponentiation method
  • setops – set operations method
  • sih – symmetric interval hull
  • inv – (optional, default: false) if true, assume that the state matrix is invertible and use its inverse in the Φ functions
  • backend – (optional, default: nothing) used if the algorithm needs to apply concrete polyhedral computations


The transformations are:

  • $Φ ← \exp(Aδ)$,
  • $Ω_0 ← CH(\mathcal{X}_0, Φ\mathcal{X}_0 ⊕ δU(0) ⊕ E_ψ(U(0), δ) ⊕ E^+(\mathcal{X}_0, δ))$,
  • $V(k) ← δU(k) ⊕ E_ψ(U(k), δ)$.

Here we allow $U$ to be a sequence of time varying non-deterministic input sets.

For the definition of the sets $E_ψ$ and $E^+$ see [FLD+11]. The Backward method uses $E^-$.

Backward{EM, SO, SI, IT, BT} <: AbstractApproximationModel

Backward approximation model.


  • exp – exponentiation method
  • setops – set operations method
  • sih – symmetric interval hull
  • inv – (optional, default: false) if true, assume that the state matrix is invertible and use its inverse in the Φ functions
  • backend – (optional, default: nothing) used if the algorithm needs to apply concrete polyhedral computations


The transformations are:

  • $Φ ← \exp(Aδ)$,
  • $Ω_0 ← CH(\mathcal{X}_0, Φ\mathcal{X}_0 ⊕ δU(0) ⊕ E_ψ(U(0), δ) ⊕ E^-(\mathcal{X}_0, δ))$,
  • $V(k) ← δU(k) ⊕ E_ψ(U(k), δ)$.

Here we allow $U$ to be a sequence of time varying non-deterministic input sets.

For the definition of the sets $E_ψ$ and $E^-$ see [FLD+11]. The Forward method uses $E^+$.

FirstOrder{EM} <: AbstractApproximationModel

First-order approximation model.


  • exp – (optional, default: BaseExp) exponentiation method


The transformations are [LG10]:

  • $Φ ← \exp(Aδ)$,
  • $Ω_0 ← CH(\mathcal{X}_0, Φ\mathcal{X}_0 ⊕ δU ⊕ B_ε)$

where $B_ε$ is the input ball of radius $ε$ centered in the origin.

FirstOrderZonotope{EM} <: AbstractApproximationModel

First order approximation model that works with zonotopes.


  • exp – (optional, default: BaseExp) exponentiation method


The transformations are:

  • $Φ ← \exp(Aδ)$,
  • $Ω_0 ← bloat(zono(CH(\mathcal{X}_0, Φ\mathcal{X}_0)), α + β)$

where $bloat(\mathcal{X}, ε)$ bloats the set $\mathcal{X}$ with the value $ε$, $zono(·)$ overapproximates its argument with a zonotope, and $α$ and $β$ are factors computed for the homogeneous system and the inputs, respectively.


A. Girard: Reachability of uncertain linear systems using zonotopes. HSCC 2005.

SecondOrderddt{EM, SO, SI, IT, BT} <: AbstractApproximationModel

Second-order approximation model used in the tool d/dt. It can be used for overapproximation and underapproximation.


  • oa – (optional, default: true) flag to choose between overapproximation and underapproximation
  • exp – (optional, default: BaseExp) exponentiation method
  • setops – (optional, default: :lazy) set operations method
  • sih – (optional, default: :concrete) way to compute the symmetric interval hull
  • inv – (optional, default: false) if true, assume that the state matrix is invertible and use its inverse in the Φ functions
  • backend – (optional, default: nothing) used if the algorithm needs to apply concrete polyhedral computations


The transformations are:

  • $Φ ← \exp(Aδ)$,
  • $Ω_0 ← bloat(CH(\mathcal{X}_0, Φ\mathcal{X}_0), ε)$

where $bloat(\mathcal{X}, ε)$ bloats the set $\mathcal{X}$ with the value $ε$. If oa == false, the bloating acts in an inverted way and shrinks the set.


E. Asarin, T. Dang, O. Maler, O. Bournez: Approximate reachability analysis of piecewise-linear dynamical systems. HSCC 2000.

CorrectionHull{EM} <: AbstractApproximationModel

Discretization using the correction hull of the matrix exponential.


  • exp – exponentiation method
  • order – order of the Taylor series expansion of the matrix exponential


For the homogeneous case, this method implements the transformation:

\[Ω_0 = CH(X_0, e^{Aδ} X_0) ⊕ FX_0\]

where $F$ is the correction (interval) matrix.

For the inhomogeneous case, $x' = Ax + u$, $x ∈ X, u ∈ U$, implements $Ω_0 = CH(X_0, exp(Aδ) X0) ⊕ FX0$ where $F$ is the correction (interval) matrix.

In both cases, if $A$ is an interval matrix, the exponential is overapproximated using methods from IntervalMatrices.jl.

StepIntersect{DM<:AbstractApproximationModel} <: AbstractApproximationModel

Approximation model that composes (intersecting) one step Forward of a given model with one step backward of the same model.


  • model – approximation model
  • setops – set operations method


Let $x' = Ax$ with $x(0) ∈ X₀$. This methods consists of:

  • Compute the discretized system with step-size $δ$ obtaining $Ω0$ and the given approximation model method.

  • Compute the (lazy) linear map $ΦX₀$. This set consists of the (exact) reachable states at the time point $δ$.

  • Apply the approximation model method with initial condition $ΦX₀$ one step backward in time, with the state transition matrix $-A$, call this reach-set $Ω₀₊$

  • Intersect $Ω₀₋$ and $Ω₀₊$ and return such set. The intersection is done either lazily or concretely depending on the specified setops field.



The state transition matrix of the linear ODE $x'(t) = Ax(t) + u(t)$ at time $δ > 0$ is $Φ = e^{Aδ}$, hence the algorithms usually require to compute exponential matrices. There are distinct ways to compute the matrix exponential $e^{Aδ}$ depending on the type of $A$ (see, e.g., [Hig08]). The available methods can be used through the (unexported) function _exp.

For high dimensional systems (typically n > 2000), computing the matrix exponential is expensive hence it is preferable to compute the action of the matrix exponential over vectors when needed, that is, $e^{δA} v$ for each $v$. This method is particularly well-suited if A is vert sparse. Use the option exp=:krylov (or exp=:lazy) for this purpose.

_exp(A::AbstractMatrix, δ, [alg]::AbstractExpAlg=BaseExp)

Compute the matrix exponential $e^{Aδ}$.


  • A – matrix
  • δ – step size
  • alg – (optional, default: BaseExp) the algorithm used to take the matrix exponential of , possible options are BaseExp, LazyExp, PadeExp and IntervalExp (see details in the Algorithm section below)


A matrix or a lazy wrapper of the matrix exponential, depending on alg.


  • BaseExp – (alias: :base) use Higham's scaling-and-squaring method implemented in Julia's standard library; see ?exp for details; if A is a static array, uses the implementation in StaticArrays.jl

  • LazyExp – (alias: :lazy) return a lazy wrapper around the matrix exponential using the implementation LazySets.SparseMatrixExp

  • PadeExp – (alias: pade) apply the Padé approximant method to compute the matrix exponential of a sparse matrix (requires Expokit.jl)

  • IntervalExp – (alias: interval, taylor) apply the Taylor series expansion of the matrix exponential with an interval remainder; works if A is an interval matrix


If the algorithm LazyExp is used, actions of the matrix exponential are evaluated with an external library such as ExponentialUtilities.jl or Expokit.jl.

Φ₁(A::AbstractMatrix, δ, [alg]::AbstractExpAlg=BaseExp, [isinv]::Bool=false, [Φ]=nothing)

Evaluate the series

\[Φ₁(A, δ) = ∑_{i=0}^∞ \dfrac{δ^{i+1}}{(i+1)!}A^i,\]

where $A$ is a square matrix of order $n$ and $δ > 0$.


  • A – coefficients matrix
  • δ – step size
  • alg – (optional, default: BaseExp) the method used to take the matrix exponential of the coefficient matrix; see the documentation of _exp for available options
  • isinv – (optional, default: false) if true, assume that the coefficients matrix is invertible and compute $A^{-1}$
  • Φ – (optional, default: nothing) optionally pass the matrix exponential $e^{Aδ}$


A matrix.


If $A$ is invertible, $Φ₁$ can be computed as

\[Φ₁(A, δ) = A^{-1}(e^{Aδ} - I_n),\]

where $I_n$ is the identity matrix of order $n$.

In the general case, implemented in this function, it can be computed as submatrices of the block matrix

\[P_{2n} = \exp \begin{pmatrix} Aδ && δI_n \\ 0 && 0 \end{pmatrix}.\]

It can be shown that

\[\exp(P_{2n}) = \begin{pmatrix} Φ(A, δ) && Φ₁(A, δ) \\ 0 && δI_n \end{pmatrix}.\]

where $Φ(A, δ) = e^{Aδ}$. In particular, Φ₁(A, δ) = P[1:n, (n+1):2*n]. This method can be found in Frehse et al. [FLD+11].

Φ₂(A::AbstractMatrix, δ, [alg]::AbstractExpAlg=BaseExp, [isinv]::Bool=false, [Φ]=nothing)

Evaluate the series

\[Φ₂(A, δ) = ∑_{i=0}^∞ \dfrac{δ^{i+2}}{(i+2)!}A^i,\]

where $A$ is a square matrix of order $n$ and $δ > 0$.


  • A – coefficients matrix
  • δ – step size
  • alg – (optional, default: BaseExp) the method used to take the matrix exponential of the coefficient matrix; see the documentation of _exp for available options
  • isinv – (optional, default: false) if true, assume that the coefficients matrix is invertible and compute $A^{-1}$
  • Φ – (optional, default: nothing) optionally pass the matrix exponential $e^{Aδ}$


A matrix.


If $A$ is invertible, $Φ₂$ can be computed as

\[Φ₂(A, δ) = A^{-2}(e^{δA} - I_n - δA).\]

In the general case, implemented in this function, it can be computed as submatrices of the block matrix

\[P_{3n} = \exp \begin{pmatrix} Aδ && δI_n && 0 \\ 0 && 0 && δI_n \\ 0 && 0 && 0 \end{pmatrix}.\]

It can be shown that

\[\exp(P_{3n}) = \begin{pmatrix} Φ(A, δ) && Φ₁(A, δ) && Φ₂(A, δ) \\ 0 && I_n && δI_n \\ 0 && 0 && I_n \end{pmatrix}.\]

where $Φ(A, δ) = e^{Aδ}$. In particular, Φ₂ = P_{3n}[1:n, (2*n+1):3*n]. This method can be found in Frehse et al. [FLD+11].

LazyExpAlg <: AbstractExpAlg

Matrix exponential computed in a lazy fashion.


  • m – (optional, default: 30) size of the Krylov subspace
  • tol – (optional, default: 1e-10) tolerance


The aliases for this algorithm are :lazy and :krylov.

The operations are defined in the package LazySets.jl (SparseMatrixExp).

IntervalExpAlg <: AbstractExpAlg

Matrix exponential using an interval enclosure of the Taylor series remainder.


  • order – order of the Taylor series expansion of the matrix exponential


The aliases for this algorithm are :interval and :taylor.

This algorithm allows to overapproximate $exp(Aδ)$ with an interval matrix. It also accepts an interval matrix $A$ as input.
