Operational Amplifier


System type: Linear continuous system
State dimension: 2
Application domain: Electrical engineering

Operational amplifiers ("op-amp") are electronic devices to amplify an input voltage signal. They are widely used to construct filters that remove a desired range of frequencies from the input signal.

The schematic diagram of an op-amp has two terminals:

  • input terminal (left)
  • output terminal (right)

The output voltage is $e_{out} = K(e_B - e_A)$, where $K$ is the voltage gain of the op-amp, which is usually very large (at the order of $10^5 V / V$).

In the ideal op-amp scenario, the following assumptions hold:

  • The input terminals of the op-amp draw negligible current.
  • The voltage difference at the input terminals $e_B - e_A$ is zero.
  • The gain $K$ is infinite.

Inverting amplifier

Consider the following circuit, which consists of an ideal op-amp in the so-called inverting configuration.

It is not hard to show [Klu20] that the output satisfies the following differential equation:

\[ \dfrac{d e_{out}(t)}{dt} = -\dfrac{1}{R_2 C}e_{out}(t) - \dfrac{1}{R_1C}e_{in}(t).\]

The circuit exhibits a transient behavior because of the capacitor connected in parallel to the op-amp. In the stationary limit $t → ∞$, $\dfrac{d e_{out}(t)}{dt} = 0$ and $e_{out} = - \dfrac{R_2}{R_1} e_{in}$. The gain is thus $-\dfrac{R_2}{R_1}$ and the minus sign is the reason that this circuit is called "inverting amplifier."

The output voltage $e_{out}(t)$ depends on the input voltage $e_{in}(t)$. In order to highlight some typical assumptions on the inputs, in the rest of this notebook we model the input voltage in different ways:

  1. Nondeterministic input with bounded range. This is the most general case, in which $e_{in}(t) ∈ E_{in}$, with $E_{in} ⊆ \mathbb{R}$ is an interval for the set of admissible inputs. This approach guarantees that the flowpipe covers all possible trajectories for any bounded and measurable function $e_{in}(t)$ satisfying the constraint $e_{in}(t) ∈ E_{in}$ for all $t$ of the given time span.

  2. Constant input, a special case such that $e_{in}(t) ∈ E_{in}$ and $e_{in}(t)$ is constant along trajectories.

  3. Time-varying input such that the input is determined by a (possibly time-varying) predefined function $e_{in}(t)$ that is given by the solution of some differential equation. In particular, we consider linear and exponential input functions.

In the following sections, we will consider these three different scenarios.

Nondeterministic input

In this section, we assume that the input voltage $e_{in}(t)$ can be any (measurable) function whose range is contained in the set $E_{in}$.


It is convenient to define constants $α$ and $β$ such that $\dfrac{d e_{out}(t)}{dt} = α e_{out}(t) + β e_{in}(t)$.

using ReachabilityAnalysis

function opamp_nondet(; X0=Singleton([0.0]),
                      R₁=2.0, R₂=6.0, C=1.e-3,
                      Ein=Interval(1.9, 2.1))
    α = hcat(-1 / (R₂ * C))
    β = hcat(-1 / (R₁ * C))

    # continuous evolution
    sys = @system(eout' = α * eout + β * ein, ein ∈ Ein, eout ∈ Universe(1))

    # initial-value problem
    return @ivp(sys, x(0) ∈ X0)


sol_nondet = solve(opamp_nondet(); T=0.1, alg=INT(; δ=1e-4));
Performance tip

We have chosen the algorithm INT, as it is the best choice in terms of efficiency for one-dimensional ODEs.


using Plots, LaTeXStrings

fig = plot(sol_nondet; vars=(0, 1), xlab=L"t", ylab=L"e_{out}",
           title="Solution for nondeterministic input", lw=0.2)
Example block output

The solution sol_nondet assumed that the initial state is at the origin. Now we solve for three different initial conditions of increasing width, for a shorter time horizon.

Δt = 0 .. 0.04

fig = plot(; xlab=L"t", ylab=L"e_{out}(t)", title="Solution for nondeterministic input")

sol_nondet = solve(opamp_nondet(; X0=Interval(-1.0, 1.0)); T=0.1, alg=INT(; δ=1e-4))
plot!(fig, sol_nondet(Δt); vars=(0, 1), lab="X0 = -1 .. 1", lw=0.2)

sol_nondet = solve(opamp_nondet(; X0=Interval(-0.5, 0.5)); T=0.1, alg=INT(; δ=1e-4))
plot!(fig, sol_nondet(Δt); vars=(0, 1), lab="X0 = -0.5 .. 0.5", lw=0.2)

sol_nondet = solve(opamp_nondet(); T=0.1, alg=INT(; δ=1e-4))
plot!(fig, sol_nondet(Δt); vars=(0, 1), lab="X0 = 0", lw=0.2)
Example block output
Visualization tip

The order in which we have plotted the solutions is such that the flowpipe with largest width comes first, so it does not overlap with flowpipes which are strictly included in it.

Constant input

In this section, we model the input voltage $e_{in}(t)$ with a family of differential equations of the form $\dfrac{d e_{in}(t)}{dt} = γ e_{in}(t) + δ$.


There are two distinct behaviors depending on the parameters $γ$ and $δ$:

  • $γ = δ = 0$: the input is constant, $e_{in}(t) = e_{in, 0}$.
  • $γ = 0$, $δ ≠ 0$: the input is given by linear with rate $δ$, $e_{in}(t) = δ t + e_{in, 0}$.
  • $γ ≠ 0$, $δ ≠ 0$: the input is exponential with rate $γ$, $e_{in}(t) = (e_{in, 0} + δ / γ)e^{γ t} - δ / γ$.

Moreover, it is natural to assume that the input saturates at a given threshold value. The following function, opamp_with_saturation, models the system as a hybrid automaton with two modes: in the first mode, the input signal $e_{in}(t)$ varies according to the specified dynamics, and in the second mode, the input signal saturates and ceases to increase (or decrease, depding on the signs chosen). Observe that there are now two state dimensions. The first coordinate corresponds to the output $e_{out}(t)$, while the second coordinate, $e_{in}(t)$, corresponds to the input signal $e_{in}(t)$.

In this section, we consider the constant input scenario: $e_{in}(0) ∈ E_{in, 0}$, $e_{in}(t)$ constant and $γ = δ = 0$. We will consider the other cases in the next section.

using Symbolics

function opamp_with_saturation(; X0=Singleton(zeros(2)),
                               R₁=2.0, R₂=6.0, C=1.e-3,
                               γ=100.0, δ=100.0, Es=2.0)
    var = @variables eₒ ein
    α = hcat(-1 / (R₂ * C))
    β = hcat(-1 / (R₁ * C))

    # transition graph
    automaton = GraphAutomaton(2)
    add_transition!(automaton, 1, 2, 1)

    # modes
    A = [α β; 0 γ]
    b = [0; δ]
    mode1 = @system(x' = Ax + b, x ∈ HalfSpace(ein <= Es, var))
    A = [α β; 0 0]
    mode2 = @system(x' = Ax, x ∈ Universe(2))
    modes = [mode1, mode2]

    # transition mode1 -> mode2 (saturation)
    t1 = @map(x -> x, dim:2, x ∈ Hyperplane(ein == Es, var))
    resetmaps = [t1]

    # initial condition: at the origin in mode 1
    initial_condition = [(1, X0)]

    H = HybridSystem(automaton, modes, resetmaps, [AutonomousSwitching()])
    return IVP(H, initial_condition)


We choose the initial condition such that $e_{out}(0)$ is at the origin and $e_{in}(0) ∈ [1.4, 1.6]$.

X0 = Hyperrectangle([0.0, 1.5], [0.0, 0.1]);

The value of the saturation constant $Es$ is chosen to be sufficiently high such that the system does not transition to mode 2.

prob_const = opamp_with_saturation(; X0=X0, γ=0.0, δ=0.0, Es=3.0);


sol_const = solve(prob_const; T=0.1, alg=BOX(; δ=1e-4));


fig = plot(sol_const; vars=(0, 2), xlab=L"t", ylab=L"e_{in}(t)",
           title="Constant input signal", lw=0.2)
plot!(fig, x -> x, x -> 1.5, 0.0, 0.1; color="red", lw=2, ls=:dash, lab="")
Example block output
fig = plot(sol_const; vars=(0, 1), xlab=L"t", ylab=L"e_{out}(t)",
           title="Solution for constant input", lw=0.2)
Example block output

Time-varying input

For the time-varying scenario with a prescribed function, we consider two cases:

  • Linearly increasing input voltage: $γ = 0$, $δ ≠ 0$.
  • Exponentially increasing input voltage (up to saturation at Es = 1.0): $γ < 0$, $δ ≠ 0$.


For both cases we consider the initial condition being the origin:

X0 = Singleton(zeros(2));

We choose some values for $δ$ and $γ$:

prob_lin = opamp_with_saturation(; X0=X0, γ=0.0, δ=100.0, Es=1.0)
prob_exp = opamp_with_saturation(; X0=X0, γ=-100.0, δ=100.0, Es=3.0);


sol_lin = solve(prob_lin; T=0.1, alg=BOX(; δ=1e-4))

sol_exp = solve(prob_exp; T=0.1, alg=BOX(; δ=1e-4));


fig = plot(sol_lin; vars=(0, 2), xlab=L"t", ylab=L"e_{in}(t)",
           title="Linear input with saturation", lw=0.2)
Example block output
fig = plot(sol_exp; vars=(0, 2), xlab=L"t", ylab=L"e_{in}(t)",
           title="Exponential input", lw=0.2)
Example block output
fig = plot(sol_lin; vars=(0, 1), xlab=L"t", ylab=L"e_{out}(t)",
           title="Solution for linear input", lw=0.2)
Example block output
fig = plot(sol_exp; vars=(0, 1), xlab=L"t", ylab=L"e_{out}(t)",
           title="Solution for exponential input", lw=0.2)
Example block output