This tutorial will teach you how to use RangeEnclosures. First, we will give a basic overview of the package and its functionalities. Next, we will discuss in more detail how to use the package in different scenarios (1D, higher dimension, using algorithms from external libraries, etc.).
Assuming you have installed Julia, you can install the package from the Julia REPL with the following lines.
using Pkg
Then you can load the package in the standard way.
using RangeEnclosures
RangeEnclosures is used to bound the range of a given function f
. The main function provided by this package is enclose
, and its basic usage is the following.
enclose(f, D, solver; kwargs...)
is the function whose range we want to bound,D
is the domain over which we want to compute the range,solver
is the solver used to compute the range (which is optional; if not specified, the package will default to theNaturalEnclosure
solver), andkwargs...
are possible keyword arguments used by the solver.
The solvers can be divided into two families: direct solvers, which compute the range enclosure over the whole domain, and iterative solvers, which recursively split the domain into smaller subdomains to get a more accurate estimate. A detailed list of available solvers can be found here.
Usage Examples
A one-dimensional example
Suppose we want to compute the range of the function
\[f(x) = -\sum_{k=1}^5kx\sin\left(\frac{k(x-3)}{3}\right)\]
over the domain $D = [-10, 10]$.
If we call enclose
without specifying the solver, it will evaluate $f(D)$ using plain interval arithmetic (this is called natural enclosure), as the following example shows.
f(x) = -sum(k*x*sin(k*(x-3)/3) for k in 1:5)
D = -10..10
R = enclose(f, D)
[-150, 150]
Generally, using natural enclosures leads to unpleasantly large overestimates, which is due to the dependency problem. To overcome this, you may want to use some other solvers in your application. The next example bounds the range using the BranchAndBoundEnclosure
Rbb = enclose(f, D, BranchAndBoundEnclosure())
[-56.4232, 34.9988]
As you can see, the result is much tighter now, while still being rigorous! The results can be visualized using Plots.jl
using Plots
fig = plot(xlabel="x", ylabel="f(x)", legendfontsize=12, tickfontsize=12,
xguidefont=font(15, "Times"), yguidefont=font(15, "Times"))
plot!(fig, IntervalBox(D, R), label="natural enclosure")
plot!(fig, IntervalBox(D, Rbb), label="branch and bound", alpha=1)
plot!(fig, f, -10, 10, lw=2, c=:black, label="f")

Tuning parameters
Some solvers have parameters that can be tuned. For example, looking at the BranchAndBoundEnclosure
documentation, we can see that it has two parameters, tol
and maxdepth
. If you want to use different values from the default ones, you can pass the parameters as keyword arguments to the solver constructor. For example, you can limit the depth of the search tree to 6
the following way:
enclose(f, D, BranchAndBoundEnclosure(maxdepth=6))
[-67.4124, 57.9244]
Generally, tuning parameters can be a good idea to achieve the desired accuracy tradeoff in your application.
Combining different solvers
Sometimes there is no strictly "best" solver, as one solver might give a tighter estimate of the range's upper bound and another solver might give a tighter estimate on the lower bound. In this case, the results can be combined by taking the intersection. For example, let us consider the function $g(x) = x^2 - 2x + 1$, which we want to bound over the domain $D_g = [0, 4]$. Let us first use plain interval arithmetic:
g(x) = x^2 - 2*x + 1
Dg = 0..4
enclose(g, Dg, NaturalEnclosure()) # this is equivalent to enclose(g, Dg)
[-7, 17]
Now let us bound the range using the MeanValueEnclosure
solver, which uses the mean-value form of the function:
enclose(g, Dg, MeanValueEnclosure())
[-11, 13]
As you can see, there is no clear winner and a better enclosure could be obtained by taking the intersection of the two results. This can be easily done in one command by passing a vector of solvers to enclose
enclose(g, Dg, [NaturalEnclosure(), MeanValueEnclosure()])
[-7, 13]
Using solvers based on external libraries
Some of the available solvers are implemented in external libraries. To keep the start-up time of RangeEnclosures.jl low, these libraries are not imported by default. To use more solvers, these libraries need to be manually loaded. For example, suppose we want to bound the previous function using the Moore-Skelboe algorithm. Trying the following will fail:
enclose(f, D, MooreSkelboeEnclosure())
ERROR: AssertionError: package 'IntervalOptimisation' not loaded (it is required for executing `enclose`)
This is because the algorithm is implemented in IntervalOptimisation.jl
and to use it you need to load that package first (note that you need to have it installed before loading it). Let us fix our example.
using IntervalOptimisation
enclose(f, D, MooreSkelboeEnclosure())
[-55.6016, 33.4161]
Bounding multivariate functions
While our previous examples were in one dimension, the techniques generalize to multivariate functions $\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$, the only difference is that the domain, instead of being an interval, should be an IntervalBox
. For example, consider the function
\[h(x_1, x_2) = \sin(x_1) - \cos(x_2) - \sin(x_1)\cos(x_1)\]
over the domain $D_h = [-5, 5] \times [-5, 5]$. An enclosure can be computed as follows.
h(x) = sin(x[1]) - cos(x[2]) - sin(x[1]) * cos(x[1])
Dh = IntervalBox(-5..5, -5..5)
Rh = enclose(h, Dh, BranchAndBoundEnclosure())
[-2.71068, 2.71313]
We can visualize the result with the following script. For this we use the API of IntervalArithmetic
, which must be loaded first.
using IntervalArithmetic
x = y = -5:0.1:5
f(x, y) = h([x, y])
fig = plot(legend=:none, size=(800, 800), xlabel="x", ylabel="y", zlabel="h(x,y)",
tickfontsize=18, guidefont=font(22, "Times"), zticks=[-2, 0, 2])
surface!(fig, x, y, [inf(Rh) for _ in x, _ in y], α=0.4)
surface!(fig, x, y, f.(x', y), zlims=(-4, 4))
surface!(fig, x, y, [sup(Rh) for _ in x, _ in y], α=0.4)

Adding a new enclosure algorithm
To add a new enclosure algorithm, or solver, just add a corresponding struct (let us call it MyEnclosure
) and extend the method enclose
, as the following code snippet demonstrates.
using RangeEnclosures
import RangeEnclosures: enclose
using IntervalArithmetic: Interval
struct MyEnclosure end
function enclose(f::Function,
solver::MyEnclosure; kwargs...)
# solver-specific implementation
Note that the domain D
can be of type Interval
for univariate ($n = 1$) functions or of type IntervalBox
for multivariate ($n > 1$) functions.