Coding guidelines
Source-code guidelines
Use 4 space characters for indentation.
In error messages, make the first word lowercase and do not add a period in the end.
Use empty space in assignments:
:thumbsdown:n = length(q)
The previous convention has an exception: using
in keyword arguments:convex_hull(p, algorithm = "monotone_chain")
:thumbsdown:convex_hull(p, algorithm="monotone_chain")
Use empty space after commas:
:thumbsdown:evaluate(p, D)
Try to stay within 80 characters both for code and documentation. For type and function signatures this usually requires line breaks if there are many arguments or they have long names. In this case we write each argument in a new line if it looks better. If the offending line is a string, you can divide it into smaller chunks with
, as in:
@assert dim(P) == size(M, 2) "a linear map of size $(size(M)) cannot be " *
"applied to a set of dimension $(dim(P))"
The 80 characters rule should not be enforced in all cases, but is rather a soft guideline.
Use the full
function f() ... end
instead off() = ...
. However, the short form is preferable in constructors and aliases such as×(X::LazySet, Y::LazySet) = CartesianProduct(X, Y)
.Use the following conventions for type parameters:
for numeric typesVN
for vectors of numeric typeN
for matrices of numeric typeN
for set types
To indicate helper functions that are not part of the API, use a leading underscore for the function name, as in
.Read Julia's Style Guide.
Documentation guidelines
Generating the documentation
To generate the HTML documentation we rely on the docs/make.jl
script that is interpreted using Julia's documentation generator package Documenter.jl. You can build the documentation locally and verify the changes with the following command:
$ julia --color=yes docs/make.jl
This will deploy the docs in docs/build
with index.html
being the start page.
Observe that the docs/build
folder is and should not be included in the master
branch: in fact, the build system automatically pushes this folder to the gh-pages
branch after each commit. This means that each time that a commit is merged into the master
branch in Github, the updated documentation will be available as soon as the continuous integration finishes (this usually takes a couple of minutes).
Mathematical notation
Mathematical formulas are written in LaTeX inside double backticks. If possible you should use Unicode; otherwise remember that the backslash character should be written twice.
Notice that the string is inside double back-ticks, and that we use the TAB key to transform into Unicode. In those cases where there is no Unicode character, you can use two backslash characters.
Finally, Documenter can also parse usual LaTeX dollar sign notation for the Markdown files. In that case, only one backslash is needed. For more examples consult Documenter.jl or check the various examples in our project's source code.
Writing docstrings
In this section we give the guidelines for writing docstrings of functions and types. We give two concrete examples. You can find more examples by searching in the source files.
Documenting functions
The docstring of a function should consist of following parts, in the given order:
Part | Category | Description |
Signature | Mandatory | List the function's name and arguments (include the argument types and the return type, i.e., just copy the signature from the source code; mark optional arguments in brackets) |
Brief description | Mandatory | One-line purpose of the function |
Input | Mandatory | All input arguments, optional or not, and valid keyword arguments |
Output | Mandatory | The return value(s) of the function together with a description; "Nothing." if no value is returned. |
Notes | Optional | Additional details about the function |
Algorithm | Optional but recommended | Details on the implementation and the relation to other functions |
Examples | Optional but recommended | Give concrete, self-contained applications of this function |
Below we provide a concrete example:
monotone_chain!(points::Vector{VN}; sort::Bool=true
)::Vector{VN} where {VN<:AbstractVector{N}} where {N<:Real}
Compute the convex hull of points in the plane using Andrew's monotone chain
### Input
- `points` -- list of 2D vectors; is sorted in-place inside this function
- `sort` -- (optional, default: `true`) flag for sorting the vertices
lexicographically; sortedness is required for correctness
### Output
List of vectors containing the 2D coordinates of the corner points of the
convex hull.
### Notes
For large sets of points, it is convenient to use static vectors to get
maximum performance. For information on how to convert usual vectors
into static vectors, see the type `SVector` provided by the
### Algorithm
This function implements Andrew's monotone chain convex hull algorithm to
construct the convex hull of a set of ``n`` points in the plane in
``O(n \\log n)`` time.
For further details see
[Monotone chain](
function monotone_chain!(points::Vector{VN}; sort::Bool=true
)::Vector{VN} where {VN<:AbstractVector{N}} where {N<:Real}
The following example has an optional argument, and it is surrounded with square brackets in the docstring by convention.
radius(H::Hyperrectangle, [p]::Real=Inf)::Real
Return the radius of a hyperrectangle.
### Input
- `H` -- hyperrectangle
- `p` -- (optional, default: `Inf`) norm
### Output
A real number representing the radius.
### Notes
The radius is defined as the radius of the enclosing ball of the given
``p``-norm of minimal volume with the same center.
function radius(H::Hyperrectangle, p::Real=Inf)::Real
Documenting types
The docstring of a type should consist of the following parts:
Part | Category | Description |
Signature | Mandatory | Describe the interface of this type (just copy the signature from the source code) |
Brief description | Mandatory | One-line purpose of the type |
Fields | Mandatory | Describe each field |
Notes | Optional | Additional details about the type |
Examples | Optional but recommended | Construction example (recommended if it has different constructors) |
Below we provide a concrete example:
DiscreteSystem <: AbstractSystem
Type that represents a system of discrete-time affine ODEs with nondeterministic
``x_{k+1} = A x_{k} + u_{k}``
- ``A`` is a square matrix
- ``x(0) ∈ \\mathcal{X}_0`` and ``\\mathcal{X}_0`` is a convex set
- ``u_{k} ∈ \\mathcal{U}_{k}``, where ``\\{\\mathcal{U}_{k}\\}_k`` is a
set-valued sequence defined over ``[0, δ], ..., [(N-1)δ, N δ]`` for some
### Fields
- `A` -- square matrix, possibly of type `SparseMatrixExp`
- `X0` -- set of initial states
- `U` -- nondeterministic inputs
- `δ` -- discretization step
### Examples
- `DiscreteSystem(A::Union{AbstractMatrix{Float64}, SparseMatrixExp{Float64}},
U::NonDeterministicInput)` -- default constructor
- `DiscreteSystem(A::Union{AbstractMatrix{Float64}, SparseMatrixExp{Float64}},
δ::Float64)` -- constructor with no inputs
- `DiscreteSystem(A::Union{AbstractMatrix{Float64}, SparseMatrixExp{Float64}},
U::LazySet)` -- constructor that creates a
- `DiscreteSystem(A::Union{AbstractMatrix{Float64}, SparseMatrixExp{Float64}},
U::Vector{<:LazySet})` -- constructor that creates a
struct DiscreteSystem <: AbstractSystem
The following is an example of an abstract type, parametric in N
, which defines an interface and includes a doctest.
AbstractHPolygon{N<:Real} <: AbstractPolygon{N}
Abstract type for polygons in H-representation (i.e., constraints).
### Notes
Every concrete `AbstractHPolygon` must have the following fields:
- `constraints_list::Vector{LinearConstraint{N}}` -- the constraints
julia> subtypes(AbstractHPolygon)
2-element Array{Union{DataType, UnionAll},1}:
abstract type AbstractHPolygon{N<:Real} <: AbstractPolygon{N} end
Writing doctests
Using Documenter.jl, docstring examples can be incorporated to the doctesting framework using the jldoctest
environment, see the Doctests section of the documentation.
Here are some additional tips:
- To have the required modules available in the current file, write the following in triple backticks (e.g., see
or the documentation):
DocTestSetup = quote
using LazySets
To preserve definitions between blocks of code you can use labels. For example, use the environment
jldoctest ball2_label
.If you use several lines in REPL mode (
julia> ...
), you will have to include empty lines between the commands. Otherwise the variables from the previous commands are not available below.The doctests currently take a long time (~1min) because they generate some plots using
. There is a linedoctest = true
which you can set tofalse
to allow building the documentation but skipping the doctests.
Extending the online documentation
To add a function or a type in the online documentation, put the function's signature or type in a @docs
block on the appropriate markdown (.md
) file of the /docs/src
For example, let the function
function dim(P::AbstractPolygon)::Int
It is added in the documentation of the AbstractPolygon
interface, /docs/src/lib/
, in the following way:
Note that output type annotations is not needed. Also the variable's name is not needed and one could equally have written dim(::AbstractPolygon)
In some cases, the function to be added contains an optional input. In those cases only the required arguments are needed. For instance, let:
linear_map(M::AbstractMatrix, P::AbstractPolygon{N};
output_type::Type{<:LazySet}=typeof(P)) where {N}
This function can be documented in a @docs
block as:
linear_map(::AbstractMatrix, P::AbstractPolygon{N}) where N
In cases when there is no function overload, it is sufficient to write the function's name. For example, the function with signature
function convex_hull!(points::Vector{VN};
)::Vector{VN} where {N<:Real, VN<:AbstractVector{N}}
Is documented in /docs/src/lib/
Adding plot recipe docstrings
A plot recipe can be added to the docs using the extension RecipesBase.apply_recipe
. Moreover, it is important that you use pass the Dict{Symbol,Any}
-type argument that corresponds to the plotting options; this argument is added automatically by the @recipe
macro. Consider the example below:
plot_emptyset(∅::EmptySet, [ε]; ...)
Plot an empty set.
### Input
- `∅` -- empty set
- `ε` -- (optional, default: `0`) ignored, used for dispatch
### Output
An empty figure.
@recipe function plot_emptyset(∅::EmptySet{N}, ε::N=zero(N); label="", grid=true,
legend=false) where {N<:Real}
return []
This example has an optional argument with default value. Inside a @docs
block we can add the docstring as follows:
RecipesBase.apply_recipe(::Dict{Symbol,Any}, ::EmptySet{N}, ::N=zero(N)) where {N<:Real}
Other style guides
Below we list other Julia code style guides that we have found interesting.