Git workflow

This page contains some general information about the recommended workflow to develop JuliaReach projects and some frequently asked questions & git workflow tips.

Branches and pull requests (PR)

We use a standard pull request policy: You work in a private branch and eventually add a pull request, which is then reviewed by other programmers and merged into the master branch.

Each pull request should be pushed in a new branch with the name of the author followed by a descriptive name, e.g., mforets/my_feature. If the branch is associated to a previous discussion in one issue, we use the name of the issue for easier lookup, e.g., mforets/7.

Unit testing and continuous integration

This project is synchronized with GitHub Actions such that each PR gets tested before merging (and the build is automatically triggered after each new commit). For the maintainability of this project, it is important to make all unit tests pass.

To run the unit tests locally, you can do:

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.test("MathematicalSets")

We also advise adding new unit tests when adding new features to ensure long-term support of your contributions.

Contributing to the documentation

New functions and types should be documented according to our guidelines directly in the source code.

You can view the source code documentation from inside the REPL by typing ? followed by the name of the type or function. For example, the following command will print the documentation of the AbstractSet type:

julia> ?AbstractSet

This documentation you are currently reading is written in Markdown, and it relies on Documenter.jl to produce the HTML layout. The sources for creating this documentation are found in docs/src. You can easily include the documentation that you wrote for your functions or types there (see the Documenter.jl guide or our sources for examples).

To generate the documentation locally, run make.jl, e.g., by executing the following command in the terminal:

$ julia --color=yes docs/make.jl

Note that this also runs all doctests which will take some time.

Reviewing a pull request from a fork

To pull a PR numbered x from a fork, do

$ git fetch origin pull/x/head:pr/x && git checkout pr/x

Contributing from a fork

It is not uncommon that user A wants to contribute to package X and A doesn't have write access to X. In that case, the usual procedure is that A creates a fork of X, and then creates a PR to be merged by the maintainer of package X. You have to properly setup the branches to do so:

  • origin – is usually set to the fork of the project
  • upstream – is usually set to the main project

For example, suppose that user mforets would like to setup the package Polyhedra working from a fork. The git command git remote -v prints all the remote repositories, and you can modify them with git remote add to add a new one and git remote set-url to change the URL of an existing repository (it is also possible to manually edit the file .git/config). In the example:

[mforets@localhost dev]$ cd Polyhedra

[mforets@localhost Polyhedra]$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

[mforets@localhost Polyhedra]$ git remote add upstream

[mforets@localhost Polyhedra]$ git remote set-url origin

[mforets@localhost Polyhedra]$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)


There is no official IDE for Julia. For those using the Atom editor, there are several plugins for Julia development, among them:

  • language-julia – code highlighting, etc.
  • language-markdown – support for Markdown files
  • latex-completions – auto-completions, eg. for LaTeX symbols as in \alpha[TAB] that prints α
  • markdown-preview-plus – preview Markdown files
  • platformio-ide-terminal – terminal embedded in the editor