Adding a new package

In this section we describe the usual procedure to add a new package.

Creating the GitHub repository

To create an empty repository, go to your user name and click on New. If you have write access to the JuliaReach org, click on New on the top-right or go to the link Create a new repository.

Creating the Julia package

Using JuliaReachTemplatePkg

The GitHub repository JuliaReachTemplatePkg contains a template package for JuliaReach projects.

Using PkgTemplates

Alternatively, an easy way to create an empty package is to use PkgTemplates. An example is given below:

julia> using PkgTemplates

julia> t = Template(; user="JuliaReach", license="MIT",
                      authors=["Marcelo Forets", "Benoît Legat", "Christian Schilling"],
                      plugins=[TravisCI(), Codecov(), AppVeyor(), GitHubPages()])

julia> generate("MathematicalSets", t)

Some settings are used in JuliaReach's projects:

  • update the README
  • add the style for docs in docs/assets/juliareach.css

Deploying the documentation

Follow the guidelines described in Documenter.jl's manual: Hosting documentation. In particular, copy the Documenter key from here.

After the first build, set up (i.e., protect, see below) the gh-pages branch and add links to the documentation in the

Adding requirements

These are links we have found useful:

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.METADATA_compatible_uuid("MyPackage")

Adding members

Add members with the corresponding access rights under Settings/Manage access.

Protecting branches

Add rules for branch protection under Settings/Branches for the master and gh-pages branches (copy them from an existing repository).

Publishing packages

  • Install JuliaTeam Registrator (under Settings/Integrations & services).
  • Copy the file .github/workflows/TagBot.yml from an existing repository.

Reduce repository size

The page lists each repo size.

To cleanup past docs preview folders, see clean-gh-pages.yml.

That works but it only removes the last preview for the current PR. And if the PR is closed before the preview is pushed, that run errors and does not remove the folder. To remove all previews from the history, one can do this locally:

git checkout gh-pages
git rm -rf "previews/PR*"
git commit -m "delete previews"
git branch gh-pages-new $(echo "delete history" | git commit-tree HEAD^{tree})
git push --force origin gh-pages-new:gh-pages
git checkout master
git branch -D gh-pages gh-pages-new

Something that can also help to shrink the local git size (especially after this change): git gc.