S.M. Rump, Verification methods: Rigorous results using floating-point arithmetic, Acta Numerica, 19:287–449, 2010
@article{rump2010verification, title={Verification methods: Rigorous results using floating-point arithmetic}, author={Rump, Siegfried M}, journal={Acta Numerica}, volume={19}, pages={287--449}, year={2010}, publisher={Cambridge University Press} }
Rump, Siegfried M. Fast and parallel interval arithmetic, BIT Numerical Mathematics 39.3, 534-554, 1999
@article{rump1999fast, title={Fast and parallel interval arithmetic}, author={Rump, Siegfried M}, journal={BIT Numerical Mathematics}, volume={39}, number={3}, pages={534--554}, year={1999}, publisher={Springer} }