
This page contains some general information about this project, and recommendations about contributing.


If you like this package, consider contributing! You can send bug reports (or fix them and send your code), add examples to the documentation or propose new features.

Below some conventions that we follow when contributing to this package are detailed. For specific guidelines on documentation, see the Documentations Guidelines wiki.


Each pull request (PR) should be pushed in a new branch with the name of the author followed by a descriptive name, e.g. t/mforets/my_feature. If the branch is associated to a previous discussion in one issue, we use the name of the issue for easier lookup, e.g. t/mforets/7.

Unit testing and continuous integration (CI)

This project is synchronized with GitHub Actions such that each PR gets tested before merging (and the build is automatically triggered after each new commit). For the maintainability of this project, it is important to make all unit tests pass.

To run the unit tests locally, you can do:

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.test("BernsteinExpansions")

We also advise adding new unit tests when adding new features to ensure long-term support of your contributions.

Contributing to the documentation

This documentation is written in Markdown, and it relies on Documenter.jl to produce the HTML layout. To build the docs, run make.jl:

$ julia --color=yes docs/make.jl

Running the benchmarks

This package contains a suite of benchmarks that is handled through PkgBenchmark. To run the benchmarks, execute the following commands in Julia's REPL:

julia> using BernsteinExpansions, PkgBenchmark
julia> benchmarkpkg("BernsteinExpansions")

To save the results to a custom directory, use:

julia> benchmarkpkg("BernsteinExpansions", resultsdir="/Users/forets/Projects")

For further options see the inline help of benchmarkpkg.


These persons have contributed to BernsteinExpansions.jl (in alphabetic order):